7 Techniques for Creating Bold & Colorful Websites with Divi

Using a bold and colorful design style for your website is a great way to make your website pop. It will help you bring a positive vibe to your website and although it doesn’t fit any kind of website, it definitely fits many of them.

In this post, we’ll show you 7 different Divi techniques on how to get to create bold and colorful web design using Divi’s built-in options only. First, we’ll go through the different techniques and afterwards we’ll recreate an example that matches the description.

This is the last post in the post series where we’ve handled 4 different website styles and how to achieve them using Divi:

  1. Clean & Abstract
  2. Minimal
  3. Flat
  4. Bold & Colorful

Let’s get to it!

1. ‘Turn’ Rows into Sections With Columns

The first technique you can use to create bold and colorful web design is turning rows into sections. By removing all default padding between a section and row, you’ll leave no apparent difference between the two. This, in combination with removing the gutter width, allows you to have two columns that are pressed together.

2. Gradients + Background Textures

Using gradient backgrounds on your website can deliver stunning results. But what helps you empower these colors, even more, is combining them with a textured background. To keep the balance, use this combination for one column only. Keep the second column clean and light for a modern touch.

3. Semitransparent Gradient Colors + Underneath Section Dividers

After you’ve turned a row into a section, you can add section dividers to your column background as well. To make sure the dividers show through, without overlapping the content, use slightly transparent gradient colors for your column.

4. Horizontal Column Overlap of Modules

You often see websites use vertical overlapping. Horizontal overlapping, on the other hand, is less frequently used although it can bring absolutely stunning results. To achieve this kind of result, it’s important to know that elements in the right column have a hierarchical advantage to elements in the left column. You can’t achieve the same result if you place your elements in the left column.

5. Split up Copy for Perfect Alignment

There’s nothing more satisfying than having perfect alignment. It’s one of the primary design principles that distinguished good design from bad design. To make sure this alignment is perfect when overlapping two columns, try splitting up your copy into different Text Modules. This will allow you to create a perfect alignment by making the negative left margin match that word or sentence in particular.

6. Combine Black and Semitransparent Text Colors

To add the bold aspect to your website, use a big font size for the copy you’re sharing along with an ultra bold Text Font Weight. And to balance the boldness, you can switch between using a black text color and a semitransparent one. This will help you create enough depth and variation on your website.

7. Avoid Box Shadow at Top or Bottom to Unite Sections

You can easily unite two sections on your page by playing around with the box shadow options. First things first, use a very subtle box shadow. That means using sufficient blur strength, negative spread strength and a very light box shadow color. Once you create your subtle box shadow, play around with the vertical position. For the first section on your page, make sure you move the vertical position until the box shadow doesn’t appear at the bottom of your section. Same applies to the last section, but instead, make sure it doesn’t appear at the top.


Now that we’ve gone through all the different techniques, it’s time to put things into practice. We’re going to recreate the following design:

Let’s Start Creating: Add Standard Section #1

Section Settings

Top Divider

Add a new page with a standard section and open the section settings right away. The first thing we’ll need is a top divider:

  • Divider Style: Find in List
  • Divider Color: rgba(0,0,0,0.13)
  • Divider Height: 900px
  • Divider Flip: Vertical
  • Divider Arrangement: Underneath Section Content

Bottom Divider

Continue by adding a similar bottom divider as well.

  • Divider Style: Find in List
  • Divider Color: rgba(0,0,0,0.13)
  • Divider Height: 900px
  • Divider Arrangement: Underneath Section Content


Next, give the section some margin and remove the default padding.

  • Top & Bottom Margin: 50px
  • Left & Right Margin: 50px
  • Top & Bottom Padding: 0px
  • Left & Right Padding: 0px

Rounded Corners

Then, open the Border settings and add some rounded corners.

  • Top Left: 20px
  • Top Right: 20px

Box Shadow

We’re using a subtle box shadow at the top of our section by making the following adjustments:

  • Box Shadow Vertical Position: -23px
  • Box Shadow Blur Strength: 37px
  • Box Shadow Spread Strength: -29px
  • Shadow Color: rgba(0,0,0,0.22)
  • Box Shadow Position: Outer Shadow

Add New Row

Column Structure

Not that we’re done modifying the section settings, we can continue by adding a row with two columns.

Column 1 Gradient Background

Without adding any modules yet, we’re going to open the row settings. The first thing we’ll need to do there is adding a gradient background to our first column.

  • Color 1: rgba(255,191,0,0.76)
  • Color 2: rgba(153,0,255,0.87)

Column 1 Texture Background Image

We’ll combine this gradient background with a textured background. The image I’m using is part of Divi’s Meetup Layout Pack. Save the following image to your desktop by right clicking and saving it (it’s a png file with white textures, you won’t be able to see the what it looks like until you open it on your computer and/or use it on your website):

After you upload the image to your Media Library, make sure you select ‘fit’ as the Column 1 Background Image Size as well.

Column 2 Background Color

Next, give your second column the ‘#F7F7F7’ background color.


We’re going to ‘turn’ our row into a section by making it take up the entire width of the section.

  • Make This Row Fullwidth: Yes
  • Use Custom Gutter Width: Yes
  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Equalize Column Heights: Yes


Along with making the row take up the entire width of the section, we’ll also need to remove the top and bottom padding of our section.

  • Top & Bottom Padding: 0px

Add Divider Module to Column 1

Hide Divider

Let’s start adding the modules! The first thing we’ll need is a Divider Module in the first column. We’re only using this module to create the space we need in the first column. We don’t actually want it to show up. Once you add the module, make sure you disable the ‘Show Divider’ option.


Go to the Spacing settings next and add the following custom padding to the divider:

  • Top Padding: 200px (Desktop & Tablet), 150px (Phone)
  • Bottom Padding: 200px (Desktop & Tablet), 150px (Phone)

Add Text Module #1 to Column 2

Add Copy

We can now move on to the second column. Here, we’re going to drop our three different Text Modules and make them overlap both columns. If you want to make a module overlap two or more columns, you’ll always need to place it in the column that’s on the right. That’s just how the hierarchical structure works. Add your first Text Module and add some copy.

Text Settings

Open the text settings next and apply the following changes:

  • Text Font Weight: Ultra Bold
  • Text Font Style: Uppercase
  • Text Color: #000000
  • Text Size: 250px (Desktop), 200px (Tablet), 100px (Phone)
  • Text Line Height: 0.75em


We’ll also need some margin. The negative left margin we’re using matches the copy we’ve chosen. If you want to make this work with other text as well, you’ll need to play around with this value. Change it until you see the beginning of a character align with the transition of the columns.

  • Top Margin: 200px (Desktop), -250px (Tablet), -120px (Phone)
  • Left Margin: -279px (Desktop), 5% (Tablet & Phone)

Clone Text Module Twice

Clone #1

Change Text

We’ve created our first Text Module and to save ourselves some time, we’ll clone it twice and make some changes. The first thing you’ll need to change about the second Text Module is the copy.

Change Spacing

The copy we’re using here is different, so that means we’ll need to change the left margin. Notice how we’re also using decimal numbers to make the Text Module align perfectly. Get rid of the top margin as well.

  • Left Margin: -360.7px (Desktop), 5% (Tablet & Phone)

Clone #2

Change Text

Change the copy of your third Text Module as well.

Change Text Color

And to make the design stand out even more, we’re going to change the text color of this module into ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.19)’.

Change Spacing

We’re removing the top margin for this module and adding some bottom margin instead. The negative left margin is different as well.

  • Bottom Margin: 200px
  • Left Margin: -410px (Desktop), 5% (Tablet & Phone)

Add Standard Section #2

Section Settings


We’re done with the first section, time to move on to the next! Once you add a new standard section, open the Spacing settings and make the following changes:

  • Top & Bottom Margin: 50px
  • Left & Right Margin: 50px
  • Top & Bottom Padding: 0px
  • Left & Right Padding: 0px

Rounded Corners

Continue by adding some bottom rounded corners:

  • Bottom Left: 20px
  • Bottom Right: 20px

Box Shadow

Add a Box Shadow to the bottom of the section as well.

  • Box Shadow Vertical Position: 47px
  • Box Shadow Blur Strength: 37px
  • Box Shadow Spread Strength: -29px
  • Shadow Color: rgba(0,0,0,0.22)
  • Box Shadow Position: Outer Shadow

Add New Row

Column Structure

Next, add a row with three columns to your new section.


We’re ‘turning’ this row into a section as well:

  • Make This Row Fullwidth: Yes
  • Use Custom Gutter Width: Yes
  • Gutter Width: 1
  • Equalize Column Heights: Yes


And we’ll remove the default top and bottom padding.

  • Top & Bottom Padding: 0px

Add Blurb Module #1 to Column 1

Choose Icon

In total, we’re going to need three Blurb Modules. One for each column. We’ll start off by adding one in the first column and after we’re done, we’ll clone it and place it in the remaining columns. This will help us save time. After you’ve added the content to your Blurb Module, select an icon of choice in the Image & Icon settings.

Gradient Background

We’re going to make it seem like the icon is overlapping the top of the Blurb Module by using a gradient background for it:

  • Color 1: rgba(255,255,255,0)
  • Color 2: #A21DF9
  • Start Position: 20%
  • End Position: 20%

Texture Background Image

We’re combining the gradient background with the same textured background we’ve used in the previous section.

Icon Settings

Change the icon settings next:

  • Icon Color: #000000
  • Use Icon Font Size: Yes
  • Icon Font Size: 85px

Text Settings

Continue by modifying the text setting.

  • Text Orientation: Center
  • Text Color: Light

Title Text Settings

Then, we’ll use the following settings to style our blurb title:

  • Title Font Weight: Ultra Bold
  • Text Font Style: Uppercase
  • Title Text Size: 46px

Body Text Settings

And the following settings for the body text:

  • Body Font Weight: Light
  • Body Text Size: 18px


Last but not least, we’re going to give our Blurb Module some space to breathe by adding custom padding:

  • Top Padding: 50px
  • Bottom Padding: 100px
  • Left & Right Padding: 50px

Clone Blurb Module Twice & Place in Remaining Columns

Clone #1

Change Icon

When you’re done modifying the Blurb Module, clone it twice. After you do so, place the duplicates in the remaining columns. Then, open the Blurb Module in your second column and change the icon that is being used.

Change Gradient Background

Continue by changing the second gradient background color into ‘#D47A9A’.

Clone #2

Change Icon

Do the same thing for the Blurb Module in the last column.

Change Gradient Background

For this module, we’re using ‘#F3BF3E’ as the second gradient background color instead.


If you’ve followed each one of the steps above, you should have achieved the following result on different screen sizes:

Final Thoughts

In this post, we’ve shown you how to create bold and colorful websites using Divi’s built-in options only. First, we’ve gone through some Divi techniques you can tackle and afterwards, we’ve recreated a matching example from scratch. If you have any questions or suggestions, make sure you leave a comment in the comment section below!

Web Design and Developer List: Text Editors

For site and app designers, increasing code is tiresome work. It can also affect web analytics tasks, assume features requires adjustment to the analytics code.More and more text editor options are appearing online, thanks to new applications that operate in the cloud and increased need for coding experience across a number of programs languages. What software is available to assist die-hard developers and service owners who occassionally require to customize code? The following list are a few choices worthwhile of consideration, no matter your site development perspective or app creation needs.Most editors will typically cost$50– $100, with a couple of that are open source (i.e. totally free ).

Users must compare feature sets on each editor, and even think about a trial run contrast in between a few before reaching a purchase choice. Each editor has a various feel to their interface, as well as a various take on which programming languages they support, so a” test drive”can expose the worth one gets for paying for an editor.Read listed below to see which one is best for your needs, be it a developer or a newbie seeking to make minor updates to your website. BB Edit– Developed by Bare Bones, BB Edit is an affordable platform for Mac users.Users can easily extremely alters to their code, open and save files from the host server, and compare components from 2 different page side by side. This permits a faster quality control on a HTML page. This tool is tailored more for site advancement than outright production such as that in Adobe Dreamweaver, however it is a serviceable editor that can upgrade codes effectively.BB Edit provides a basic text editor includes to compare code from one document to another.Sublime– This editor has similar modifying functions

to BB Edit, such as side-by-side contrast and several edit choices. However unlike BB Edit, this also has a Windows version aswell as Linux. Plugins offer additional dinner, making this editor well matched for Python developers. There is an integrated in Python real-time console to interactively experiment with coed on the fly. Menus are likewise adjustable.< a href =http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/ target=_ blank > Webstorm– Provided by Jetbrains, this modifying tool is truly an IDE– Integrated Advancement Environment. IDEs are developed to supply a complete environment for establishing apps or software. Webstorm was designed with Javascript libraries in mind. A plugin tool for Node.js eases the setup of Node programs. Webstorm permits ease in Javascript debugging, yet it also can manage HTML functions along with others. Readily available online, Webstorm is tailored for developers who are wanting to create single page applications. Espresso– Espresso is likewise a Mac dedicated text editor. It has a variety of CSS live-edit functions that lets the user view how an element modifications on a HTML file affects a design before submitting to a website. It likewise has language support for Ruby, Phython, and Apache in addition to PHP and Javascript. It is ideal for those who normally find themselves upgrading in the cascading style sheet frequently.Coda– Coda provides Git gain access to, live code hints, and a GUI for MySQL, to name a few functions. There is likewise a sneak peek version that lets you see modifications on an iPad while modifying. This permits a side by side view of changes with utilizing 2 screens rather than a split screen.



6 Tips for Intuitive Web Style

Intuitive web design does not mean that you as a designer should be able to whip up a website without any thought being required. Intuitive web design is to be viewed from the user perspective. If the user does not have to think while using your website, its design is intuitive.

Intuitive Web Design is Not a New Specialist Discipline

Keep calm. The term intuitive web design does not include anything that you haven’t heard before in some form or another. It’s more of a perspective, a focus, that you put on a certain aspect of the user experience. Basically, it’s about the removal or prevention of hazards on your way to a successful website.

You know how it goes: for some reason, you make your way to website XYZ via Google, and you can’t even tell what this site is about. If you’re not very resilient, you’ll immediately leave the site. I’ve even gotten into the habit of consistently doing this, although I am pretty resilient.

In 2011, Nielsen realized that visitors give a website a mere maximum of 10 to 20 seconds to convince them that they’re in the right spot. If you succeed, however, your visitors will stay for much longer. In that case, we’re not looking at a few seconds, but rather at a couple of minutes, up to double-digits. If you fail, your visitors are gone, and unlikely to return.

In today’s web, you don’t have as much time as this hourglass would leave you with. (Photo: Pixabay)

Logically, you’ll want to be successful. You have to convince your users that it is worth spending more than 20 seconds on your website.

The methods we use to do so can be summarized as “intuitive web design”.

Before getting deeper into the topic, you should get to know the expectations of your potential visitors. The web does not have a good reputation all over the population. I’m sure you know dialogues like this one:

“Where did you get that from?” “I read it online.” “Oh, on the internet, well…”

The average surfer takes a skeptical approach. Intrusive ads, and the many dangers of pishing, as well as the distribution of malware, have turned the web into what feels like a dangerous place. The basic attitude is negative. The surfer expects to be scammed or harmed wherever he goes.

Who knows what lies in the depths of the web. (Photo: Pixabay)

This is a basic attitude that heavily differs from the attitude of a potential customer walking into a store in the pedestrian area. Here, the building itself, the visible investment threshold, conveys a certain amount of trust. Page operators can only gain this basic trust to a limited extent. All websites look the same anyways. Your shop might be based on a free theme from Bangladesh…

Either way, you have to get over this negative prejudice. Unfortunately, you can’t remove this attitude in the first few steps. Thus, your website has to be designed like an open gate, with no hidden hardships inside.

6 Tips for Intuitive Web Design

The basis of our thoughts regarding intuitive web design should be designing pages in a way that leaves none, or at least very few hazards in the path of visitors. This goal is easily achieved with the six following, rather simple measures.

Tip 1: Provide What You Promise

Your visitor enters your site with a critical stance, but also with certain expectations. You’ve probably triggered these expectations with your keyword choices, and maybe, you weren’t completely truthful. Have you promised a bit more than you can offer?

I can understand that you’d try to lure as many people onto your site as possible. Once they’re here, we can still filter them. And maybe, they like what they see, even if it is not exactly what they were looking for.

That doesn’t sound completely implausible. However, the problem is that it doesn’t work. Because, as Nielsen has proven, people lack both the patience and the will to be convinced by a seemingly unsuitable website.

The first element when creating an intuitive website is SEO that makes sure that your website delivers what the search result pages promise to. Any other approach means you lose the trust of your potential visitors before they could even give it to you.

Tip 2: Make it Very Clear What Your Website is About

Listen to the marketing people when they talk about the importance of the call to action. They are right. You want your visitors to do certain things. So, don’t make them guess what you want them to do, but put your website’s goal into the foreground.

Got it, that’s the way. But where does it go? (Photo: Pixabay)

The erotic store around the corner doesn’t have coffee machines in the shop window either, and won’t surprise you with the actual offer upon entering.

Tip 3: Be Predictable

Intuitive controls are partially based on the simplicity of the process, but also based on sticking to an established convention when it comes to the design. Now, what exactly we should consider established conventions varies. Take a look at the best practices of your branch, and stick to those.

Your visitors want a unique user experience. However, that shouldn’t include having to take extraordinary paths to get to the result. Instead, you should make sure that they can quickly get to their goal without reading a manual. Thus, use traditional approaches rather than brand new innovations when it comes to the navigation and user guidance.

You could argue that finding the way was an intellectual challenge. This won’t win you any clients, though. (Image Source: Pixabay)

If you were to go to a toilet somewhere you’ve never been before, and there was a room without light switches, faucets, or a flushing toiled, would you be happy, even if it looked futuristic?

Something similar happened to me last summer, in the restaurant of an Italian mountain village. I went to the toilet and was about to wash my hands at the tap. No faucets, no sensors, nothing. After a while, I found a foot-operated switch on the floor. Did the solution do its job? Yes. But, was I impressed?

You know the answer. Don’t make the same mistake on your website.

Tip 4: Don’t Build Unnecessary Interactions

The former RTL boss Helmut Thoma once made a provoking but fitting statement: “The only interaction today’s TV viewers want is the one with their fridge.” And, even if it sounds harsh for us web workers, it still holds true today.

The attempt to impress visitors with neat, technological toys will fail. The attempt to turn visitors into customers via social media or gaming components will fail as well. Although I’ll happily admit that the latter statement may very well turn into a false statement in the next few years. We’re living in an age of fast transformation, after all.

Now, don’t confuse the term “unnecessary interaction” with the term “micro interaction”. Just recently, I advised you to make heavy use of the latter, as they can make the difference between two equal solutions for the same application case.

A good micro interaction could be a purchase button, which turns green upon clicking or tapping it, reanimating a confirmation checkmark. This would tell the client that he hit the button and that the ordering process was successful. However, and I’ve already seen this myself, it would be unnecessary for the purchase button to literally fly into the shopping cart icon, making it rotate. You know what I mean…

Tip 5: Be Minimalistic, and as Device-Independent as Possible

Essentially, the goal is to keep your website as slim as possible. You don’t want to blast your visitor with all information possible, but rather focus on the essential information.

Now, if you also stick to these design principles, there’s not much that can go wrong. Well, you may want to look into microinteractions. After all, they are crucial to success.

PWA are based on open web standards. Currently, React and Angular are popular development choices. (Illustration: Pixabay)

Since the number of those purely surfing on mobile has exceeded the number of users purely surfing via desktop computer, responsive design, which is a layout that adjusts to the respective device, is no longer a question of preference. The next evolutionary step of responsive design could be the increasingly more popular, and increasingly better supported progressive web apps.

This is intuitive web design as well.

Tip 6: Don’t Demand Unnecessary Information

If you run a digital paid service and offer a free trial to your potential customers where you want to convince them of the product in a non-binding fashion, you’re already doing a better job than the competitor that only offers a personal presentation upon request and with a fixed date.

However, your offer only becomes really good once you even avoid hazards here, and don’t ask your potential customer to enter a valid method of payment at the beginning of the testing period. You’ll see that the number of people deciding on a truly nonbinding test is much higher than any other method could ever get you.

The new EU General Data Protection Regulation, which comes into full effect on the 25th of May 2018, will motivate you in that regard as it is. Because if there’s one thing to take away from the GDPR, it’s the aspect of data economy. This means that, in the future, you can only demand data from interested users that is needed for the respective data processing.

An example: What do you need to send an e-book to a potential client? Exactly, an email address, but that’s it. Sure, a lead is hard to generate from this, but this is a very different topic. Just think of something better.

Conclusion: Intuitive Design is Simply Simple

If your web design doesn’t contain any hazards, thresholds, or intricacies that make it unnecessarily hard to get to a result, you’ve already done a lot right from the perspective of intuition. You have to consider that every unnecessary hazard can lead to double-digit losses in terms of percentage. We’re not talking peanuts here.

You should use a very generous definition of the term “hazard”. You might think the small toy with the animated buy-me-button was pretty neat. So what if it takes an extra half a second. Your potential client will definitely consider it a hazard after the second usage, at the latest. His definition is the only one that matters. Read tip 5 once again.

So, if you want to turn your visitors into clients, the best way to do so would be to make the purchasing process as easy as possible. According to CEP, this increases the chances of a successful purchase by up to 96 percent.

Did I quote Einstein already? No. Fine, I won’t do it this time…



7 Conversion Focused Website Design Tips

Firstly, you require to understand the term “Conversion” in relation to the Internet.A site that converts is considered as active material (as opposed to casual content). The web content has a purpose to increase conversion rate. The conversion rate is the variety of goals achieved, divided by the number of visitors to the website.The goal of “Active” material may differ from site to website. For a services website like a law practice, insurance provider or style agency, a conversion may be a questions like your telephone number or street address, for an ecommerce site it might be a sale, for a blog it might be a newsletter sign up.The conversion focused web

style The most sophisticated kind of

conversion focused web design includes a conversion funnel. This is a marketing method where a viewer is exposed to a series of events/elements, which move him or her closer to a sale.The strategy is not a new one, as

traditional advertisers have been doing it for years with the AIDA approach(Attention, Interest, Desire, Action ). The thought procedure of a possible viewer must be examined, and each page should ponder to exactly what the audience is likely to think or feel. This details is used to move an audience through the numerous elements, almost as if the website design were a narrative. The last element is the conversion rate optimization tool, such as a newsletter signup or checkout. There’s a lot of approaches to structuring a conversion funnel and which is better to use depends on your company type and needs.Below are some conversion focused web style suggestions help you to increase conversion

rate, which could all be applied to a conversion focused web design.Remove any barrier to a potential conversion A big barrier to conversion optimization is a navigation. Poor navigation causes aggravation that will frequently trigger the user to leave your website. Even worse still are the celebrations where a viewer has decided to purchase(convert )and can not discover the means to do so. This is one of the risks of a badly constructed funnel design.A web designer will think of that a user will only buy at the end of the funnel. As an effect, she or he will only put the ability to buy at completion of the funnel. If you fear that this is you, then you must ensure that a user has the ability to convert on every page. Have the checkout link, newsletter signup link, contact form, etc, offered on every page if you must. Read Also: 6 Design Components that

Transform Visitors to Lead Start the procedure off-page Run ads to increase brand awareness and post reviews of your items and services on other websites. Be prepared

to receive visitors who are currently

amenable to acquiring from you. In these cases, you will not have to market to them as hard. Consider having them enter the conversion funnel at a later stage (on a page besides the web page). Style your site around your objective Producing a conversion funnel is one way to improve conversion rate, but that is simply one aspect of your website.

Apply your goal to every section/element of your website. If you have an ecommerce website that is 150 pages large, and 5 of those pages include your conversion funnel, and 9 are landing pages, you can use your goal to all 150 pages.Your landing pages can drop individuals off at specific points throughout the conversion funnel. The other pages might just connect to or promote your objective, with each link positioning the audience at the beginning of the conversion funnel. Check out Likewise: Visual Marketing Techniques for Eye-Popping Content in 2018 Improve your website’s focus

focused website design. Casual content can pay for to absence focus because its usefulness is not relative to a specific actionable objective. A lot of the time, it boils down to either making your point or purging aspects that diminish your point.Include images to improve conversion rate This is a no-brainer in a lot of cases to increase conversion rate. It is hard to think of a great website without images.

Consider them also when you are linking from

other domains, connecting internally, or attempting to prove a point. Image links have less SEO worth, but we are dealing with your conversions and not your SEO, and images assistant conversions.Reduce the thinking needed to click The popularity of big boxes and widgets that are links has grown because they are a required part of mobile browsing. This is not a bad thing since clicking on a huge box requires little thought. Now, compare this

to the site that puts five text links in a list and asks you choose one(it takes some idea). An idea is excellent if you are attempting to provoke a response, but if you are attempting to enhance conversion rate and convert somebody then assist them to believe less(a minimum of when it comes to utilizing your website ). Credibility is King This is the last point for conversion focused website design and improve conversion rate. Reliability is the biggest and crucial key to conversion rate optimization, and your web design can go a long way to increase your credibility.Poorly designed

websites are the very first trustworthiness killer. If your website takes ages to load, is hard to browse, has small text or is cramped then your credibility will evaporate.Websites that look like they were developed by amateurs are credibility killers.Boxy designs with sparkly or inadequately animated features and plain color backgrounds will eliminate your

Top 5 Ways Responsive Website Design Advantages Your SEO

That’s because consumers are addicted to smartphone and tablets. And that isn’t changing any time soon.

In this environment, responsive design is no longer an innovation. Instead, it has become a standard component of any SEO plan, regardless of industry.

Don’t Be Unresponsive to Responsive Web Design

The last 12 months have seen the web move forward at an incredible rate. Among the many changes, the inevitable happened. Mobile web browsing overtook desktop as the device of first choice for internet users.

As published in late 2016, we also saw that, of those people who only use one type of device, twice as many are using smartphones over desktop computers.

Neither of these observations would have taken web designers and marketers by surprise. And yet, the slow response of both business and the online industry to the new state of the web is a little baffling.

mobile and desktop usage over the web

In spite of the premonitions from the industry as well as published statistics, many still have not responded well to a basic and obvious demand – responsive web design.

This should be a cause of concern for businesses (not to mention a strong motivation for web designers who are looking for work!).

Google is built for users – for people who search the web. In a world where those users are accessing the web via mobile devices, Google is acting accordingly. And so, it stands to reason that they are going to favor those sites that meet the needs of Google users.

In short, Google is going to favor websites that are optimized for people using mobile and smartphone devices. Those websites are typically the ones that have incorporated a mobile responsive design.

If you aren’t yet reaping the SEO rewards from upgrading to a mobile responsive design, here are five reasons why you should make your move now.

1. Improved Site Usability

If users can’t easily navigate your website, it’s unlikely they will stick around.

Google recognizes ‘time on page’ as a fundamental indicator of a site’s value for any given query. Responsive web design makes your website much easier for visitors to read and navigate. The result is an improved user experience and typically a greater time on site.

Good usability scores lead to repeat visitors and increased conversions. As noted above, Google is in the business of satisfying user queries.

A mobile responsive web design is fundamental to a positive user experience, and Google is going to reward sites that meet users with such an experience.

Customer experience and site usability can’t be over-emphasized. Businesses and digital marketing agencies must remain vigilant when it comes to conversion and customer experience.

Positive reviews, traffic, and a rise in branded searches – all of which can impact ranking – come as a result of customer experience. And beneath those factors lay the design elements of a website.

Customer journey and customer experience are what makes businesses online succeed and mobile responsive design is the foundation upon which all experience occurs.

Just as important, is the fact that increasing site usability through responsive design not only satisfies users but is typically rewarded by Google with better search engine rankings.

2. Faster Page Speed

Page loading times are an established and known ranking factor.

The consistent message from Google over the years has been that fast-loading sites are favored in search results.

That’s just one of many reasons why Google recommends using responsive web design.

Websites that are mobile responsive will ordinarily load faster (especially on mobile and smart devices), resulting in a more positive user experience as well as a likely boost in ranking.

3. Decreased Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is related to time on site. How quickly do your visitors backtrack or leave your website? Google pays attention to user behavior when it comes to entry and exit points for a website.

Google might interpret short dwell time (leaving a site almost as quickly as you came to it) as a signal that the content that the searcher found on your site wasn’t relevant to their needs.

The consequence for the website will be a negative adjustment in their ranking in Google search engine results for that query.

But it’s not only the content that users are interested in. In fact, it could be argued that on many occasions, design outweighs content. The content may be magnificent, but if the design prevents easy comprehension, users will soon leave the site.

A mobile responsive design enables you to not only put up relevant content for use but also display it in a way that is mobile device friendly. It provides a clean, crisp and undistracted environment for users to browse your website.

4. Less Duplicate Content

As intelligent as Google’s algorithms are, it still requires direction from you on which of your website’s content is most important.

Those who have decided to go down the path of a separate mobile site have a difficult time managing duplicate content issues. Using a separate website for your mobile client requires using a separate URL.

The problem is that the content on the desktop and mobile URL is the same, even though the URL is different.

This duplicate content can seriously harm your rankings. If you do not make it clear to Google which content is most vital and ensure that it is the content being indexed, then they will have to decide for you.

The result is almost always lower rankings in search results. (Most separate mobile sites don’t rank well in search engines because they are canonicalized to their desktop counterparts, which is another benefit of responsive: you can focus your SEO on a single site.)

A mobile responsive website deals with duplicate content problems. Write a single URL regardless of the device being used to view the content.

5. Boosted Social Sharing

Responsive web design is built to make social sharing easy for the most dominant demographic online – mobile users.

Although social media can help SEO, social shares won’t have a direct impact on rankings. But it will help you grow an audience.

A bigger audience can mean more traffic and engagement, as well as more search demand for your brand – which will definitely make Google take notice.

A website that is not optimized for mobile and smartphone users is going to have a difficult time in convincing its users to navigate the awkward and poorly designed social sharing buttons that are designed for purely desktop use.

Thinking Ahead: Pre-Planning with Mobile Users in Mind

Pre-planning your mobile responsive web design will usually result in a more concise and thoughtful design. It helps business to mind map your SEO strategy and lay out the vision and purpose of the website before you start building it.

Pre-planning will also help you develop the vocabulary for your business, site, or service. That vocabulary will become important later on as you undertake your keyword research and mobile content strategy.

All of this is going to aid your SEO efforts by providing a much clearer strategy.

Who you are trying to reach and what you are trying to reach them with will be foundational to your responsive web design efforts and result in a more effective SEO strategy for your website.

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